
When it comes to fitting out buildings, the first things to come to mind are often light signs and signposting. Nevertheless, full-colour images are often the most appealing option. Display windows, in-store concepts and – increasingly – entire facades are used to attract and hold the attention of customers.

A less prominent application is the use of film on windows in order to block harmful external influences, such as solar control film, safety film and reflective film. Applying these types of film is an art in itself. Certain rules must be adhered to in order to ensure the surface does not remain ‘glass-like’. Thermal rupturing is also a risk factor, which can be minimised through expert application and consultations with the film supplier.

VinyTouch has the knowledge and expertise to help you find the best possible solutions when it comes to the lettering of buildings. In the preparatory phases of each project, we always factor in aspects such as the use of a cherry picker.
